Friday, November 9, 2012

Sandy! Sandy! Sandy!

Picture by:  Damon Dahlen

The effects of Sandy are pouring in and in the form of snow.  With strong winds, rain, snow, and known flooding to occur, individuals in the north eastern part of the United States were hit again.  Some areas in Massachusetts got up to 8 inches of snow while some area in New Jersey got up to a foot of snow.  As the east coast and the nation are slowly mopping and cleaning the aftermath of the disaster, the end to cleaning it up seems out of reach at the moment. 

The destruction to so many homes has left people in a place of homelessness. Some individuals are still left without power with an estimate that 695,700 homes and businesses in the New York and New Jersey region are without power or lack electricity.  There as also been an estimate that a total of 1700 air flights have been cancelled.  Through this all, Sandy has robbed and affected the American economy even after the footprints that it has left were in the process of forming into a fossil, history of the past.

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